How specifically do you help clients reach their career, financial, business and life goals?

We assess a client’s situation, help to develop specific strategies for change, support a client through the execution of a plan, problem-solve when the inevitable obstacles and challenges arise, and re-evaluate once a goal has been met whether it is in a one-on-one coaching situation or a large organization training scenario. Sometimes we employ a short-term career/business consulting mode (sometimes as few as one session) and other times a longer career/business coaching mode if the goals to be achieved require a longer-term timeframe.

How does the process work?

We provide coaching and consulting services via in person, Skype/FaceTime/What’s App or telephone. The advantages to a virtual business model is that there are no travel or geographic limitations. For many clients, this is convenient and effective. If you have questions about whether this way of working is right for you, please ask us and together we will figure out if this approach is a good fit for you. If it isn’t the right choice, we are happy to refer you to colleagues who work differently than we do.

Consultation is short-term (sometimes one meeting) to solve a specific work-related challenge. Prior to the consultation, we will work to identify your goals for the session and we will focus intensively on developing strategies and action steps to help you make progress toward resolving the challenge.

Coaching is a longer-term process than consultation and uses inquiry, assessment, reflection, dialogue, and specific assignments to build your level of self-awareness, skill, responsibility, and sustained momentum. We provide structure, focus, feedback, and support as together we develop and implement concrete steps to assist you in attaining your desired vision and accomplishments. As with sports coaching, we don’t do the actual work for you, but we are strategic partners in the process.

Do you work with clients outside the U.S.?

Our primary expertise is U.S. specific so if your goals require knowledge of another country’s employment norms and culture, please inquire about services and together we will decide if we have the expertise you are seeking.

What are the next steps if I want to work with you?

1. Email us with a description of what you would like to accomplish via coaching.
2. We will respond within three business days to continue the conversation to see if we are a good fit to help you.

Are you educated or trained as a career counselor or career coach?

Tre is certified Career Counselor through the Federal Career Training Institute located in Baltimore, MD and as a Personal and Executive Coach through the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. In addition to her credentials as a coach and a counselor, she has over 20 years of experience in both federal and private industry human resources, workforce development, training, organizational development and financial management.

How do you help a client who wants to find a job?

– Critique and fine-tuning of your job search focus, resumes, cover letter, and your LinkedIn profile (We will help you to find a professional writer if you need personal marketing materials created from scratch)
– Strategizing about how to connect with employers. Employment Interviews
– Emotional support during the job search so that you can stay persistent and resilient.
– Brainstorming ways to earn survivor income.
– Assistance with negotiations.
– Help with choosing between multiple job offers.

How do you help a client who wants to choose a career or change careers?

– Collaboration about whether career assessment will accelerate the decision-making process, and if so, assistance in deciding which assessments to use.
– Exploration of a client’s interests, strengths, values, and personality.
– Design of a step-by-step career development strategy.
– Support and problem-solving during implementation of the career development plan.

How do you help a client who wants to advance his/her career?

– Evaluation of career history and assistance with planning next steps.
– Assessment of emotional intelligence and suggestions for emotional skills development.
– Coaching to improve interpersonal effectiveness (this might include assistance with areas such as stress management, work-life integration, managing difficult interactions with bosses/co-workers/employees/customers, job-shaping, etc.).
– Assistance with creating and implementing a strategic plan to ensure career and personal decisions and actions are congruent with individual goals, values, and preferences.

How do you help a client who wants to launch or grow a business?

– Identification, assessment and clarification of business direction and strategy.
– Support in taking action steps toward launch or growth.
– Help with decision-making about which business tasks to complete yourself and which ones to outsource.
– Emotional support for the challenges of entrepreneurship.
– Coaching for greater effectiveness in the interpersonal realm of business.
– Assistance with work/life integration for stress reduction and increased quality of life.

What are your fees for services?

Please inquire about services to obtain specific fee information tailored to your personal goals. Fees are determined by the scope of the work, the frequency of meetings, and the timeframe in which the work is to be completed.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Cash, Master Card, Visa, American Express, Discover, PayPal, or Square.

Are career coaching and consulting fees tax-deductible?

Sometimes they are. Please consult with your financial advisor or review the IRS guidelines on topics such as job search and/or career development.

Does health insurance cover career development services?

No. To receive mental health insurance benefits, there must be a diagnosis of a mental health disorder, which is not the case when working toward career happiness and success rather than treating a disorder.

Do you provide psychotherapy for DSM-diagnosed disorders?

No. Our work is now specialized in career development and we DO NOT practice psychotherapy. Many of our clients also work with mental health therapists for diagnosable conditions, either simultaneously or sequentially with the type of coaching and consulting that we do.

How long does the process take?

It depends on what you want to achieve. Consultation may be for one session only for a very specific work-related challenge. Ambitious goals such as choosing a career path, making a career change, or changing long-established patterns of behavior can take 3-12 months or longer.

How often would we schedule sessions?

We will decide that together based on your goals and budget. Consultations may be only one or two sessions. Coaching usually starts with three or more sessions per month and then eventually tapers as goals are achieved.

What if I schedule a meeting with you and then I need to reschedule or cancel?

We charge the following fees for rescheduling or cancellations:
No notice = Full fee for the missed session
Less than 24 hours notice = 50% of full fee
24+ hours notice = We are happy to reschedule

Do you use a bunch of tests to tell clients what careers they should choose?

We use assessment when we believe that doing so will accelerate the consulting process. We will always decide together whether assessments would be useful for a particular situation.

If I am looking for a job, will you introduce me to a recruiter or to your network of connections?

No. We are not recruiters who place individuals with organizations, nor are we personal agents who market individuals for job opportunities.

Can you provide me with names of hiring managers so that I can contact them?

No. If your primary goal is to obtain competitive intelligence about organizations, there are research professionals who specialize in helping with that, but doing so is not our expertise.

Will you write my resume or LinkedIn profile for me?

We will be happy to critique your resume for you and to make suggestions about how to improve it to increase the chances of landing interviews. We can also teach you exactly how to write an effective cover letter. If you need someone to write your resume from scratch, we will help you to find a professional resume writer.

Can I send email to you between telephone or Skype/Whats App coaching sessions?

Yes. We are happy to read anything you send to us and then we will discuss it during our meetings.

Do you offer e-coaching?

Yes. Please consult with us to see if you are eligible for e-coaching.

Are services confidential?

Yes. We will keep your information confidential except for rare circumstances dictated by laws (for example, threat of harm to self or others). We encourage you to be careful about what you send via email stored on work computers as many employers monitor employee communications.

Does your business offer a guarantee?

We guarantee the quality of our services to you. The outcome is dependent on your motivation, effort, persistence, and also circumstances outside of our control (such as the economy or internal changes within an employing organization). We view our role as helping you to become as well-equipped as possible to make good career and business decisions, create a strategic career,/business/financial plan, implement the plan, and solve challenges as they arise.

Good coaching outcomes are dependent on sustained action on your part. If you do not have the time or ability to take sustained action at this time, we recommend waiting until the timing is better for you to start.